Maureen Maynard donated a lovely silver tray as a perpetual trophy in memory of Annette Geiger and she was the winner last Wednesday with the great score of 45 stableford points. This is also the best nett of the year – 63. Maureen holed out with an 8 iron on the last hole she played, No 2, for a 3 which meant she scored 5 points. Well done Maureen and you better check your handicap!. We thank Kim, Annette’s daughter who provided the voucher trophy for this special competition. Runner-up was Jill Pfingst 34, then Jan Edwards 31, Jan Baulch 30, Juleen Sippel 29, Meryl Tress 29, Marg Kuhnemann 27, Anne Brown 26, Jenny Briant 15. Pin Shots went to Jill and Juleen and Juleen also had a chip in. This week being the first Wednesday of the month, we play a monthly medal sponsored by Anna’s Hair and next week is another memorial trophy – for Audrey Morris sponsored by Josie Newlove.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by S Edwards playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was J McGrath ocb from runner up L Blunt & J Potter with 26 pts. The ball run down continued with K Kirgis, R Cuneo, M O’Reilly & B May with 24 pts. R Cuneo received the only pin shot on the 18 hole. The Dugie dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was received by M Hassan. This week will be sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by W Hall & B Sampson playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & competition.
Friendly Friday
Friendly Fridays had 22 players tee off for a stroke front 9 competition for Big Money Day. The winner was R Brooks with 29 net, runner up W Martin ocb from B May with 31 net. The ball run down went to K Rhodes 33 net, D Forsyth & J McAntee 34 net followed by K Reinholdsson, J Handley, G Philp, M Hassan, P Cooper & K Kirgis 35 net. The pinshots were received by K Rhodes, W Martin & B May while J Sippel received the NAGA. The best gross for the day was received by B May with 39 off the stick.
Saturday was sponsored by our new Greenkeeper Cameron Crepin playing a stableford competition. The winner R Humphrey with 44 pts, runner up B May ocb from T Richardson. The rundown went to P King 40 pts, P Cooper, A Parker & I Browning 39 pts, P McNiven & J Browning 38 pts followed by G Parker 37 pts and R Patrick, J Handley, G Philp, W Martin, P Manitta & M Tress 36 pts. The ladies winner was J Pfingst 39 pts, runner up A Brown ocb with 36 pts. Pin Shots were received by B May & A Brown on 4/13, J Handley & A Brown received 8/17 while B May received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf, won by S Bailey with 82 cm. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and was won by D Mortimer with 3.69 m. The Accurate Drive was received by R Brooks. This week will be sponsored by Furniture Court playing a stroke/monthly medal competition. Next week will be sponsored by Quality Management Australia playing a 4BBB stableford competition. Timesheets are out now.
Sunday the Boonah Pennant team played Hattonvale at Rosewood and lost 3/2. The winners were T Alchin & B Perrem. The Chook run/9 hole comp winner this week was M Fitzpatrick with 19 pts, the ladies winner was R Fitzpatrick 15 pts. The pin shot was received by R Fitzpatrick. This Sunday we have a Social Club using some of the buggies, if wanting a game ring the club to make a booking or for further details.