Golf Notes 16/7/18 – 22/7/18

We thank Sandi Lee for sponsoring our day last Wednesday and the winner, again, was Jenny Briant with 38 stableford points. Your handicap will be coming down Jenny. Runner-up on a countback was Linda Edwards with 35, Vicki Bird 35, Anne Brown and Di Kuhnemann 34, Jan Baulch 33, Jo McAntee and Jan Edwards 32, Marg Kuhnemann 30 then Meryl, Jill, Juleen and Kris all completed the field. Vicki won the pin shot on 4/13 and Anne on 8/17. This was also the 6th round of the Consistency Cup which runs for the whole year. Chip In’s were achieved by Jo, Jan B, Marg and Di Kuhnemann.
Wednesday we play for Loraine Gurnett’s trophy and Thursday August 2nd is our Open Day. Lots of entries have been received to date. Good golfing ladies and may all your putts drop in.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by James Dover (FIS Insurance) playing a 2 ball Ambrose 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winners were R Stinson & B Davey with 44 net, runners up S Edwards & B May 44¼. The ball run down went to R Maudsley & G Maynard 45, J McGrath & T Richardson 45¾, G Parker & L Blunt 46¼, C Jorgenson & T Stanford and M Hassan & V Christensen 47 net, followed by D Forsyth & B Brown 47¼, M Gray & K Kirgis, J Handley & J McGrath and W Hall & G Lutter 48 net and A Stick & W Wieland and R Cuneo & A Featherstone 48¾. Pinshots were received by G Maynard on 13, L Blunt received 17 while A Skinner received 18. The Dugie dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was won by A Featherstone. This week will be sponsored by The Butcher Co playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 competition. Next week will be sponsored by A Hertweck & G Searle playing a 4BBB Aggregate Stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition.
Friendly Friday
Friendly Fridays had 15 players tee off for a stableford front 9 competition. The winner was V Christensen with 21 pts, runner up D May 19 pts followed by T Alchin ocb from K Kirgis with 18 pts. The ball run down continued with B Beasley, P King & M Hassan 17 pts. The pin shot was received by P King while D Forsyth received the NAGA. Friendly Fridays are still teeing off at 2.30.
Saturday was the Chappy Cup Open Day playing a 4 ball Ambrose competition. The winners were C & K Wilson, J Lye & B Johnson, runners up were D Ryan, A Leary, S Francis & Z Eviston followed by B & C Perrem, B Lawrance & T Alchin. The run down went to A Moore, J Garwood, Zac & Shaun, W Maudsley, M Weber, B King & F Johnson, R Scells, B Brown, G Parker & W Hall, followed by W Bird, J Baulch, A Hertweck & J Nunan, P King, J McGrath, J Handley & R Eacott, B May, M Dickson, S & L Edwards, K Sawtell, M Schubring, J Shine & K Eugarde and R & L Humphrey, T Richardson & W Harrison. Pin Shots were received by J Garwood who received both 1/10 & 5/14, 2/11 was received by K Cartmill, C Moncada received both 3/12 & 7/16, A Leary & J Nunan received 4/13, Z Eviston & J McGrath received 8/17 while B Lawrance received 9/18. The pro pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and currently held by C Perrem with 2.56m. The pro pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery. This week will be the President v Captain competition sponsored by D Ryan & A Leary. The Mixed Foursomes will be held on Sunday. Next week will be sponsored by B, C & G Philp & M Gnech playing a stableford/monthly mug competition. Timesheets are out now.
We have a small Social Club this week with the Mixed Foursomes teeing off after them, playing 27 holes. Ring the club to make a booking for social play or to play the Chook Run.