Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by Dover & Sons playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 for the 1st round of the Championships. The winner was B Perrem with 36 net, runner up D Webster with 47 net. The run down went to M Fitzpatrick, M Maudsley & L Vandenbrink 48 net and J McGrath, R Brooks & R Fitzgerald 49 net. Pin shots were received by M Hassan on 4, A Stick received 8 while S Fahey received 9. The Dugandan Dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was received by M Hassan & the best gross for the day was shared by S Fahey & J McGrath with 56 off the stick. This week will be the Final day of the Championships sponsored by Dover & Sons playing another stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. The leading net scores for the Championships are A Grade: J McGrath 49 net, R Cuneo 52 net. B Grade: R Brooks & R Fitzgerald 49 net and C Grade: D Webster 47 net, M Fitzpatrick M Maudsley & L Vandenbrink 48 net. The leading gross scores are J McGrath 57, B May 59, R Cuneo 60 & J Handley 61. The best gross for the Championships is sponsored by W Gnech. Next week will be a club trophy unless there is somebody out there willing to sponsor the day.
Friendly Friday
Friendly Fridays had 13 players tee off playing a stroke back 9 competition for Big Money Day. The winner was M Hassan ocb from runner up R Brooks, J McAntee, J Handley, J Sippel & D Ryan all with 33 net. The run down continued with B May 34 net, L Hooke 35 net and N Hooke 36 net. The pin shots were received by D Ryan, J McAntee & B May while B Hamilton received the NAGA. The best gross for the day was received by B May with 38 off the stick.
Saturday was sponsored by The Butcher Co playing a 2 ball Ambrose competition. The winners were A Gill & B Gotke ocb from runners up W Maudsley & W Gnech with 60¾. The run down went to C & B Perrem and K Sawtell & B Beasley 62 net, B May & S Edwards, D Gittins & G Ball 62¼, A Hertweck & R Eacott 62¾, S Bailey & J Browning 63 net, P King & J McGrath and Z Eviston & S Francis 64 net and M Gnech & G Philp 65¼. Pin shots were received by C Wilson & D Wall on 4/13, M Gnech & A Leary received 8/17 while G Philp received 9/18. The Pro Pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and was won by I Browning with 1.31m. The Pro Pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and won by G Balharry with 1.01m. This week will be sponsored by G & Z Eviston, W Gnech, J Browning & M Dickson playing a stroke/monthly medal playoff. This will be a 12.30 shotgun start. Next week will be sponsored by J Handley, J McGrath, R Eacott & P King playing a stableford/monthly mug playoff. This is also a 12.30 shot gun start. Timesheets are out now.
No social club this week you can come and play whenever you would like but the clubhouse will only open at 8.30 if wanting a buggy. Ring the club for further details.