Wednesday the Stableford competition was played for a club trophy. Congratulations to Linda Hooke on 34 pts with runner up Jan Baulch on 32 pts. Pinshots were received by M Kuhnemann on 4/13 while J Baulch received 8/17. Many thanks to all our members for their support. Thursday we welcomed 53 players for our Ladies Open Day. Visitors came from Beaudesert, Gailes, Pacific, Stanthorpe, Laidley, Rosewood, Nudgee, Indooroopilly, Ipswich and Surfers Paradise. We thank you for your continued support of our Ladies Day. The Overall winner was Susan Burrows with 38 pts. Division 1 winner was B Prosser with 36 pts, runner up J Tonges 35 pts ocb. Division 2 winner was N Thouard ocb from runner up M Gibson35 pts. Division 3 winner was L Gurnett with 34 pts, runner up D Cahill 33 pts. The ntps were received by A Farmers, M Voorma & M May on 4/13, T Barrett, M Tress & S Burrows received 8/17. The Accurate Drives were received by D Graham, P Brown & D Cahill while the mystery drive on 5/14 was received by R Yule. Thank you to our members for your efforts to ensure that all enjoyed the golf, friendship, laughs and luncheon. See you next year.
Wednesday Sporters
Last Wednesday the Sporters played the Stan McCullough Memorial, sponsored by G Eviston. The winner was G Parker with 32 pts, runner up M Hassan with 28 pts. The run down went to G Lutter 27 pts, K Kirgis & R Brooks 26 pts and R Fitzgerald 24 pts. The nearest the pins were received by D Webster 4/13, M Hassan received 8/17 while 9/18 was received by A Skinner. The best Gross was received by G Parker with 49 off the stick. This week is sponsored by David Woolgar as we play the Wally Woolgar Trophy playing a Stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. Next week will be the Glenn Sippel Memorial sponsored by the QFS mates. This will be a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.
Friendly Fridays
Friday Friendly Fridays played a 2 Ball Ambrose competition. The winners were B May & L Rhodes with 28¼, runners up were S Fahey & G Eviston with 30½. The rundown went to V Christensen & M Hassan, R Fitzgerald & S Fahey and P King & R Eacott 31¼, and D May & K Rhodes 32¾. The NAGA was received by G Philp & R Brooks with 35¼. The ntp was received by S Fahey & R Fitzgerald.
Saturday was sponsored by B, G & C Philp and M Gnech playing a Stableford/monthly mug competition. The A Grade winner & Monthly Mug winner was B May with 41 pts, runner up B Gotke with 40 pts followed by T Lynch with 37 pts. B Grade winner was J Lynch with 39 pts, runner up R Humphrey 38 pts followed by R Eacott 37 pts. The C Grade winner was D Yeates with 38 pts, runner up T Richardson ocb from V Riley with 37 pts. The Ladies winner was D Wall with 35 pts, runner up K Cook with 33 pts. The run down went to C Philp 37 pts, D Mortimer, J Buganey & T Weatherhead 36 pts followed by P King, D Forsyth, R Brooks, K Rhodes, G Lutter, M Gnech, J Handley & R Fitzgerald 35 pts and M Simpson & M Dickson 34 pts. The ntp’s were received by B Gotke & D Wall on 4/13, G Eviston & Z Eviston received 8/17 while 9/18 was received by B Gotke. The Pro Pin on 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf. The Pro Pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently being held by G Eviston with 2.68 m. The Money Pin was received by K Rhodes. This week-end is the Darvall Cup sponsored by S & L Edwards on Saturday and T & M Weatherhead on Sunday. Both these days will be single stroke competitions.
You may be able to play 9 holes if the timesheet is not full. Ring the club for further details.