No Veterans this week due to the course being wet. Easter Monday there will be a competition for anyone to play with the Vets. This will be a shotgun start at 8.30.
First Wednesday of the month is always Monthly Medal and we now are playing for the Women’s Golf Queensland (WGQ) brooch in conjunction with the medal round. Boonah Pharmacy was the sponsor for the day which was won by Kris Cook with a nett 78 closely followed by Ellen Maegher, Anne Brown and Jan Baulch on 79. Ellen won the countback for the runner-up prize. Other girls who played were Kayleen Turner (no hay to rake after the rain so good to see you playing on a Wednesday), Linda Edwards, Jan Edwards, Vicki Bird, Juleen Sippel and Lesley Rhodes. Anne and Linda won the pin shots and Kris won the least number of putts. Today will be sponsored by Maureen Maynard and next week by Di Kuhnemann and this is also round 3 of the Consistency Cup. The draw for the Beryl Drady match play has been done and first matches to be completed by 13th May. The ground staff and volunteers have done a wonderful job getting the course back into pristine condition after the flood. Good golfing!
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by Far Outdoors Boonah playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. The winner was R Wilkie with 26 pts, runner up K Rhodes with 25 pts ocb from W Martine. The run down continued with V Christenses & R Brooks 24 pts. Pin shot were received by R Cuneo on 13, W Martin received 18, while M Maudsley received 18. The Dugandan Dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was received by G Lutter. This week will be sponsored by W Wieland & A Stick playing a 4BBB stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. Next week will be sponsored by H Gwynne playine a stableford 10- 18 + 1, 5 & 6.
Friendly Friday
Friendly Fridays had 24 players tee off the Big Money Day postponed from last week. The winner was S Edwards with 29 net, runner up K Rhodes ocb from R Eacott & D Mortimer with 32 net. The run down continued with M Hassan 33 net, V Christensen34 net & J McAntee 35 net. The best gross for the day was received by D Mortimer with 39 off the stick. Pin shots were received by V Christensen, J McAnett & D Mortimer. The Encouragement Award was received by J Handley. No Friendly Friday this week due to it being Good Friday clubhouse will be closed.
Saturday was a stableford/monthly mug competition sponsored by J Shine & K Eugarde. The winner was T Grimshaw with 41 pts (this equated to 69 off the stick), runner up was G Lutter ocb from M Crowther with 39 pts, followed by C Perrem & A Hertweck with 38 pts ocb. The run down went to J Shine 37 pts, B Brown, B Philp & B Beasley 36 pts, followed by D Forsyth, G Philp, V Riley, M Hassan, D Gittins & J Nunan all with 35 pts. The ladies winner was J McAntee with 41 pts, runner up K Turner ocb from A Leary with 38 pts. Pin shots were received by A Leary & T Grimshaw on 4/13, 8/17 was received by J McAntee, K Turner & M McGreacher while 9/18 was received by B Freiberg. The Money Pin was received by B Beasley. This week will be a club trophy for Easter Saturday. Club house will be open on Monday as the Vets will welcome anyone for the day. Timesheets are out. Next week will be the Lions Open Day. This will be a 7.30 & 12.30 shot guns starts.
Clubhouse will be closed Sunday if wanting a game of golf please use the honesty box.