Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition. The winner was T Lynch with 41 pts, runner up G Sorenson with 38 pts. The run down went to M Hassan & V Wilson 34 pts, J Doherty & R Parnell 33 pts and J Potter & K Turner 32 pts. Pin Shots were received by G Sorenson on 4/13 while B Hall & J Edwards received 8/17. The Encouragement Award was received by A Stick.
Wednesday of last week playing conditions were long and the humidity high however that did not stop our President Maureen Maynard from posting the very good score of 37 points to win Fran Licciardo’s trophy. Thanks for sponsoring the day Fran. Runner-up was Ellen Maegher on 36 followed by Alison Leary 35, Vicki Bird 33, Jan Baulch and Meryl Tress 31. The other girls who played found the going tough!! Juleen Sippel won the pin on 1/10, Vicki 4/13 and Anne Brown 8/17. We had a field of 13 players. The Gail Grimsey Memorial day has been postponed until later in the year. Today we have a monthly medal day sponsored by Foote’s Boonah Pharmacy, also the first round of the WGQ Brooch which is played for over 6 rounds during the year. Next week is sponsored by Maureen. Good golfing and may all your putts drop in.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by A Gill playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. The winner was B Brown with 44 net, runner up G Eviston with 46 net The run down went to J Gillett, J McGrath & R Maudsley 47 net, followed by R Fitzgerald 48 net and R Stinson, B Davey & G Parker 49 net. Pin shot were received by J McGrath on 4 while G Searle received 9. The Dugandan Dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was received by A Stick. The best gross for the day was tied 3 ways with J McGrathm G Eviston & G Parker all having 54 off the stick. Gerard had an Eagle on 5. This week will be sponsored by Far Outdoors Boonah playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. Next week will be sponsored by W Wieland & A Stick playing a 4BBB stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.
Friendly Friday
No Friendly Fridays due to flooding.
Saturday was cancelled due to flooding of the course. This week will be sponsored by J Shine & K Eugarde playing a stableford/monthly mug competition. This will be a 12.30 pm shot gun start. Next week will be a club trophy for Easter Saturday. Club house will be open on Monday as the Vets will welcome anyone for the day. Timesheets are out.
We have a small Social Club this week teeing off at 8, you will be able to play amongst them if wanting an early game. Ring the club for further details.