Golf Notes 13/03/2017-19/03/2017


Last Wednesday was a stableford competition for Anne Brown’s trophy and the winner was Maureen Maynard with 28.  Other scores were Juleen Sippel 27, Alison Leary 26, Jan Baulch, Kris Cook and Jan Edwards all had 24 and a big welcome to Robyn Fitzpatrick who has joined us.  Jan Edwards nearly had a hole in one on the 4th Juleen won the pin shot on the 1st and Anne on the 8th.  Anne had the best score of 29 for the monthly consistency cup competition which runs for the whole year.  Today we are sponsored by Fran Licciardo and next week is the Gail Grimsey Memorial Day sponsored by her daughter Linda Edwards.  Nominations for the Beryl Drady match play close on 25th so put your name on the nomination sheet if you wish to play.  May all your putts fall in!


Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by R Fitzgerald playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.  The winner was V Christensen with 28 pts, runner up N Hooke 25 pts.  The run down went to M Hassan & M Weber.   Pin shots were received by D Forsyth on 4, R Brooks received 8 while R Cuneo received 9.  The Dugandan Dice sponsored by the Dugandan Hotel was received by M Crowther.  This week will be sponsored by D Forsyth playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6.  Next week will be sponsored by A Gill playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.

Friendly Friday

Friendly Fridays had 24 players tee of playing a stroke back 9 competition.  The winner was A Leary ocb from runner up M Hassan 30 net, followed by Z Eviston 31 net.  The run down went to P King 33 net, C Greet, W Martine  & S Edwards 34 net, L Edwards & D May 35 net and S Fahey, N Hooke & C Shannon 36 net.  The pin shot was received by S Fahey while the NAGA was received by J McAntee.  Next week will be a stableford front 9 competition.


Saturday was sponsored by R Brooks, C Shannon, T Lynch & P Cooper playing a 4BBB stroke medley championship.   The winners were J & I Browning ocb from runners up T Weatherhead & K Sawtell followed by J Shine & K Eugarde with 63 net.  The run down went to C & K Wilson and M O’Reilly & D Forsyth 64 net, followed by R Brooks & C Shannon, B Davey & A Brown and J Comp & J Nunan 65 net and R Eacott & J McGrath, L Edwards & B May, W Maudsley & F Johnson, P Manitta & W Gnech and M Hassan & V Christensen 66 net. Pin shots were received by G Balharry & A Brown on 4/13, P Manitta & A Brown received 8/17, while D Gittins received 9/18.  The Pro Pin on 4 sponsored by Drummond Golf is currently held by C McLean with 1.55m.  The Pro Pin on 17 is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery and currently held by T Lynch with 3.5m.  The Money Pin was received by K Wilson.  This week is sponsored The Fassifern Guardian playing a 2 Ball Ambrose with a pm shot gun start at 12.30.  Next week will be sponsored by Oppy’s Fruit & Veg playing a stroke/monthly medal competition.


Sunday we have a small Social Club teeing off at 8 am.   You will be able to play amongst them.   Ring the club for further details.