Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition. The winner was J Bell ocb from runner up N Casey and R Tomlinson with 40 pts. The run down went to R Parnell & P Sheffield 38 pts, A Burns 37 pts and B Mahoney, G Henderson, J Edwards, E Marshall & A Pritchard with 36 pts. The ntps were received by R Parnell & J Edwards on 4/13 while D Gittens & J Edwards received 8/17. The Encouragement was received by V Riley, while the Membership Draw was received by B Hall.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by Dr D Yeates playing a stableford 10 – 18 + 1, 5 & 6. The winner was B May with 29 pts, runner up ocb was a visitor A Baker with 27 pts. The run down went to G Parker & K Rhodes 27 pts, B Davey 26 pts, followed by R Fitzgerald, E Newlove, W Hall, M Hassan, M Weber, D Westlake, M McGarrity & L Vandenbrink all with 24 pts. Pin shots were received by J Gillett on 13, R Cuneo received 17 while J Carmont received 18. The Dugandan dice winner was J Potter. This week will be sponsored by BP Boonah playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. Next week will be sponsored by James Dover from FIS Insurance Brokers
Friendly Fridays’
Friendly Fridays’ had13 players tee off playing a stableford front 9 competiton. The winner was R Brooks ocb from runner up A Browning with 23 pts, followed by V Riley with 20 pts. The pin shot was received by A Browning. This week will be a stableford back 9 comp teeing off at 2.45. Be there at 2.30 to have your name down.
Saturday was sponsored by J Gillett, M O’Reilly & D Forsyth playing a stroke/monthly medal competition. The A Grade winner was G Parker with 67 net, runner up T Grimshaw 68 net. The B. Grade winner was G Philp with 70 net, runner up P Dadds with 71 net. The C Grade winner & Monthly Medal winner was J Yates ocb from runner up G Searle with 67 net. The rundown went to S Hughes 68 net, S Francis 70 net, A Heit, & J McGrath 71 net, B Freiberg, R Cuneo & A Hertweck 72 net, followed by J Handley, S Edwards & M Surawski 73 net and M McGarrity, J Shine, J Gillett & S Bailey with 74 net. The ladies winner was K Turner with 72 net, runner up D Wall with 74 net. Pin shots were received by G Parker & M Tress on 4/13, T Grimshaw & J. Edwards received 8/17 while R Cuneo received 9/18. The Pro Pin on no 4 is sponsored by Drummond Golf and current held by A Hertweck with 6.12m. The Sugarloaf Bakery Pro Pin on 17 is currently held by T Grimshaw with 52 cm. The new Money Pin was received by A Gill (ask at the bar if you want to go in this weekly new pin). This week will be sponsored by Dover & Sons playing the Noel Dover Memorial and playing a stableford/ Monthly Mug competition. Next week will be sponsored by P Manitta, D Mortimer, A Smith & S Synott playing a 2 person Ambrose competition.
Sunday we have a social club teeing off at 7 am, ring the club for further details.