Golf Notes 11/11/2013-17/11/2013


Wednesday the ladies played their last 18 hole competition for the year. The winner ocb was J. Edwards from runner up J. Baulch followed by M. Maynard all with 30 pts. Pinshots were received by M. Skinner on 4/13 while A. Brown received 8/17. This week will be a 9 hole competition before our AGM. Next week will be our closing day. All trophy donors and members are welcome to attend. Please let Jan Baulch know if you are coming for catering purposes please. Also bring along a photo of yourself as a child and a present to the value of $10 for Secret Santa.


Wednesday the sporters was sponsored by P. Ward playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 competition. The winner was H. Gwynne with 29 pts, runner up A. Featherstone ocb from T. Lynch, G. Parker and W. Hall all with 26 pts, followed by S. Edwards, B. May, G. Searle & J. Worley all with 24 pts. The pin shots were received by G. Parker on 13, A. Stick on 17 and G. Eviston received 18. Thanks to the Dugandan Hotel for their sponsorship of the dice, this week won by M. O’Reilly. This week will be sponsored by R. Brooks & M. Crowther playing stroke & putting competition on 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. Next week will be sponsored by The Peak Pub playing a stableford 18 hole competition (Shotgun start at 1 pm sharp).

Friendly Friday

The Friendly Friday’s had 17 players, playing a stableford back nine competition. The winner was J. Browning ocb from runner up R. Fitzgerald with 20 pts, followed by J. Handley, J. McGrath & G. Miller all with 19 pts. The pin shot was received by J McGrath. Fridays we tee off at 3pm come and enjoy playing 9 holes of friendly fun……..…………… See you all there.


Rob Cuneo (winner of the firies cup), Mayor John Brent, Alan Bennett (A grade runner up), S. Hughes (Overall Winner) and President Mick Gnech.

Saturday was the Emergency Services Day with all proceeds going to Careflight. The Overall winner was S. Hughes with 43 pts. The A Grade winner was B. Lingard with 42 pts, runner up A. Bennett with 41 pts followed by S. Fahey 40 pts, R. Cuneo 38 pts and G. Sellick 37 pts. B. Grade winner was P. Dadds with 38 pts, runner up J. Buganey ocb from D. Forsyth 35 pts, followed by G. Philp 33 pts , J. Comp 32 pts and K. Adie 31 pts. C. Grade winner was R. Watkins 39 pts, runner up R. Philp 35 pts, followed by B. Bennett 34 pts, M. Weber and C. Shannon 33 pts and A. Stick 32 pts. The ladies winner was K. Cook 36 pts, runner up J. Baulch with 28 pts, followed by D. Wall 25 pts and Z Eviston 23 pts. Pin shots were received by B. Lingard on 4/13, 8/17 G. Searle while A. Bennett received 9/18. The ladies pin shots were received by K. Cook on 4/13 and 8/17 was received by J. Baulch. The pro pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by J. Comp with 2.670m. This week will be AIS Insurance playing a 4 person ambrose, time sheet almost full. Next week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyre power, while the next week will be the ProSteam Cup final with triple points on offer. Timesheets are out now.


The Chookies winner this week is P. Holdway with 18 pts. Sunday we have a Social club teeing off at 7 am. Chookies can tee off before 6.45am. The social club are using all the buggies so if wanting a buggy your will have to wait until the Social Club have finished their round.

Fore Par