Golf Notes 29/04/2013-5/05/2013


Wednesday the ladies played their Monthly Medal for May.  The winner was Anne Brown with 74 net, runner up K. Cook with 76 net.  The pin shots were received by J. Edwards on 4/13 while M. Kuhnemann received 8/17.  This week will be sponsored by G. Grimsey playing a stableford competition.


Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by J. Gillett playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.  The winner was D. Forsyth, ocb from runner up R. Cuneo with 26 pts, followed by D. Mortimer with 34 pts.   Nearest the pins were received by R. Cuneo on 4, F. Johnson  received 8, while R. Cuneo received 9.  This week will be sponsored by E. Newlove & M. O’Reilly playing a stroke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6.  Next week will be sponsored by Geoff Parker playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.

Friendly Friday

Friday 12 players teed off for a stableford 10 – 18 competition.  The winner with 23 pts was V. Wilson, runner up R. Fitzgerald ocb from K. Cook, both had 21 pts, followed by A. Featherstone.  The ntp was received by C. Greet. Come along and enjoy a friendly afternoon, but don’t forget we now tee off at 2.30 for the winter season……………  See you all there.


Saturday was sponsored by The Fassifern Guardian, thanks goes to the Guardian for sponsoring a day every year. The winner with 63 net was K. Bridges, runner up D. Williams, followed by P. King, J. Handley & T. Farmers all with 71 net. The run down continued with P. McNiven, A. Heit, R. Cuneo & J. Shine 72 net followed by V. Riley, W. Hall, S. Mudde, T. Domjahn, J. Buganey & P. Cooper with 73 net.  The ladies winner was A. Brown with 70 net, runner up D. Wall 71 net, followed by G. Buganey with 72 net.  The pin shots were received by P. King 4/13 while the ladies was D. Wall, 8/17 was received by P. McNiven while the ladies was received by K. Cook, and 9/18 was received by G. Eviston.  The pro pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by R. Cuneo with 6.89 metres.


There is a small Social club on Sunday teeing off at 7am.  Social players will be able to tee off after the Social Club have played their first 9.  Ring the club for further details

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