Monday the veterans played a stableford competition. The winner with 40 pts was A. Prichard, runner up P.O’Loughlin 36 pts. The run down went to B. Broderick & B. Lapworth 35 pts, B. Cunningham, P. Sheffield, C. Shannon & G. Sorenson 34 pts, followed by G. Sippel, S. Rolley, R. Fitzgerald & E. Zagami 33 pts and N. Casey & M. Cufi with 32 pts. The ladies winner was C. Van Daalen ocb from runner up W. O’Connell and K. Cook with 36 pts. The run down continued with J. Edwards 34 pts and J. Baulch 32 pts. Pin shots were received by B. Broderick on 4/13, 8/17 was received by G. Sippel & R. Clarke, while the ladies was received by C. Van Daalen. The Encouragement Award went to A. Holt.
Wednesday was a club trophy playing a stableford competition. The winner with 32 pts was A. Brown, runner up with 30 pts was J. Baulch. Pin Shots were received by A. Brown on 4/13 while 8/17 was received by L. Edwards. Saturday & Sunday we played our Championships. The ladies leader is A. Brown 172 from D. Wall 191. B. Grade leader is K. Cook 198 from G. Buganey 201. C. Grade leader is Z. Eviston 165 from M. Maynard 172.
Wednesday the Sporters was sponsored by W. Wieland & A Stick playing a 4BBB stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. The winners were E. Newlove & R. Fitzgerald with 30 pts, runners up were L. Forsyth & D. Forsyth 31 pts. The run down went B. Hutchinson & J. Potter 29 pts, M. O’Reilly & A. Stick 28 pts and L. Vandenbrink & J. McGrath 27 pts. Nearest the pins were received by A. Skinner on 4, J. McGrath received 8, while S. Fahey received 9. This week will be sponsored by Hal Gwynne playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. Next week will be sponsored by J R Plant Hire playing a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15.
Friendly Friday
Friday 18 players teed off for a stroke 1-9 competition. The winner with 32 net was R. Brooks, runner up B. Hutchinson 33 net, followed by T. Lynch 34 net & G. Sorenson 35 net. The ntp was received by A. Heit. Don’t forget we now tee off at 2.30 for the winter season…………… See you all there.

Saturday was sponsored by G. Philp (Captain), this was the first round of the Championships. The winner with 39 net was B. Freiberg, runner up B. May 71 net, followed by T. Lynch & P. King with 72 net. The run down went to S. Edwards 73 net, followed by M. Grayson, A. Hertweck & J. Comp with 74 net. The ladies winner was K. Cook with 73 net followed by G. Buganey & J. Edwards. The pin shots were received by G. Maynard 4/13 while the ladies was J. Edwards, 8/17 was received by R. Humphrey, and 9/18 was received by W. Gnech. The pro pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by P. Eggenhuizen with 241 cm.
Sunday was the second round of the Championships sponsored by Glen Sippel (Vice President). The winner was J. Comp with 69 net, runner up T. Lynch ocb from A. Bennett with 71 net. The run down continued with M. Dickson 72 net, P. Eggenhuizen, G. Maynard, G. Sippel with 73 net, followed by S. Edwards, B. Freiberg & R. Eacott with 74 net. The ladies winner was A. Brown ocb from runner up G. Buganey with 73 net. The pin shots were received by A. Hertweck on 4/13, the ladies J. Edwards, 8/17 A. Browning, the ladies A. Brown while 9/18 was received by M. Gnech. The A. Grade leader is B. Freiberg 144 from J. Browning 155, B. Grade leader is P. Eggenhuizen 171, from G. Eviston 175. C. Grade leader is M. Dickson 185 from B. Hoskin 196. D. Grade leader is S. Buchholz 223 from R. Fitzgerald 225. The ladies leader is A. Brown 172 from D. Wall 191. B. Grade leader is K. Cook 198 from G. Buganey 201. C. Grade leader is Z. Eviston 165 from M. Maynard 172. Next Saturday will be sponsored by M. Gnech (President) & Sunday will be sponsored by our Patron J. Maynard. Timesheets are out now.
There is no Social play this week-end as they are taken up with our Championships.
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