Golf Notes 26/11/2012-02/12/2012


Sunday the 25th the Boonah Pennant team beat the leaders (Ipswich) 3 & 2 at Lowood. Congratulations.


Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition. The winner with 41 pts on a count back was V. Wilson from runner up J. Potter. The run down went to D. Beazley 40 pts, E. Newlove 39 pts, C. Greet 37 pts, followed by P. Boldeman, T. Lynch, N. Casey & P. Sheffield all with 36 pts. The ntp’s were received by J. Edwards 4/13, P. Sheffield 8/17 while the ladies 8/17 was received by J. Edwards. The Encouragement Award went to K. Cook. The membership draw was received by J. Pearce.

Wednesday Sporters

Wednesday the sporters was sponsored by the Peak Pub. It was to be an 18 hole competition however the storms interrupted play. The winner of the prize draw was Leo Goggin, runner up G. Parker. No run down as play was washed out, however the pin shots were received by G. Parker on 4/13, Simon Fahey 8/17 while 9/18 was received by D. Webster. Wednesday will be the 1st round of the Championships, sponsored by the Boonah Motel, playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. This will be in A, B & C Grades. The final round of Championships is a stoke 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6 on 12th also sponsored by the Boonah Motel. (Wayne Gnech is sponsoring the Best Gross for the Overall Champion). Our AGM and Christmas drinks will follow conclusion of play. The last competition day is the 19th December.

Friendly Fridays

We had 18 players for the Friendly Fridays. The winner was A. Heit with 33 net, runner up V. Wilson on a count back from R. Brooks with 34 net. Next best were C. Greet 35 net, G. Sorenson 36 net, followed by G. Henderson 37 net. The nearest the pin was received by B. Hutchinson. Please come along on a Friday for a fun 9 holes of golf and good friendship.



Anthony Heit, Simon Fahey, Russell Maudsley and Tony Moller with sponsors Joe McGrath and Peter King.

Saturday we played a stroke competition sponsored by J. McGrath, J. Handley, R. Eacott & P. King. The winners of each grade received a full rump, thanks to the guys with pinshots on all holes, the prizes for those being a frozen chook. The winner of A Grade was A. Heit 64 net, B. Grade S. Francis 69 net and C. Grade was T. Weatherhead 68 net. The ladies winner was Jan Edwards, runer up G. Buganey. The run down went to G. Sippel 68 net, D. Mortimer 69 net, G. Benstead & B. Hutchinson 71 net, followed by G. Philp, V. Riley and R. Humphrey 72 net and Simon Fahey, R. Cuneo, J. Browning, T. Lynch, G. Parker, S. Synott, M. O’Reilly and T. Ryan with 73 net. This was the play off for the Medal of Medals, the winner being D. Mortimer. Nearest the pins were received by Simon Fahey 1/10, 2/11 G. Eviston, 3/12 M. Gnech, 4/13 W. Gnech, 5/14 A. Heit, 6/15 R. Maudsley, 7/16 W. Lutter, C. Ferguson on 8/17 while 9/18 was received by Simon Fahey.

The pro pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by T. Lynch with 161 cm. Saturday is the Emergency Services Day with plenty of prizes on offer. The Overall winner will receive a BBQ while there are prizes in all grades A, B & C grades and ladies. This will be the play off for the Monthly Mug winners. If you have won a Monthly Mug during the year you are in this part of the competition, so come along and compete on the day. The next week is our closing day sponsored by F. Johnson, P. Ward, S & L Edwards playing a 2 ball Ambrose.


No Chookies this week however this Sunday, we do have a tentative booking for 25 people in a Social Club to tee off at 7 am. If wanting a game please ring the club for more details.

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