Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition. The winner with 41 pts was E. Newlove, runner up D. Forsyth 40. The rundown went to V. Wilson 38 pts, G. Sippel, G. Sorenson & R. Brooks 35 pts and R. Featherstone 34 pts. The ntps’ were received by J. Potter 4/13, 8/17 V. Wilson, the ladies 8/17 K. Cook. The Encouragement Award was received by A. Featherstone. The Membership Draw was won by M. Cufi.
Wednesday the ladies played their Monthly Medal Playoff. The winner was Z. Eviston, next best were M. Maynard and A. Brown. Pins shots were received by A Skinner 4/13 while A. Brown received 8/17.
Wednesday Sporters
Wednesday was sponsored by PFS (Ron Scells). The winner with 30 pts was W. Hall, runner up W. Wieland 29 pts . The run down went to E. Newlove 28 pts, J. Potter 27 pts, followed by W. Maudsley 26 pts, P. Ward 25 pts and L. Vandenbrink, Simon Fahey and F. Johnson with 24 pts. Nearest the pins were received by Simon Fahey 4/13, 8/17 A. Skinner while 9/18 was received by R. Cuneo. Wednesday the sporters play a 4BBB sponsored by P. Ward playing 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. The following Wednesday will be sponsored by R. Brooks & M. Crowther playing a stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15. The Sporters Championships will be played on the 5th & 12th December, followed by our AGM and Xmas Break-Up. The last competition day is the 19th December.
Friendly Fridays
No Friendly Fridays last week due to the rain. For a good afternoon, come along to Friendly Fridays. All welcome $2 a game.
Saturday we played a stableford competition, this was the November Monthly Mug sponsored Raceview Sand & Gravel. For the last couple of years we seem to have rain on this day, however we did have 29 keen players play. The winner with 42 pts and the Monthly Mug winner was T. Farmers, runner up B. Harbourne 41 pts. The run down went to S. Mudde & W. Jackson 40 pts, M. O’Reilly 38 pts, followed by W. & M. Gnech 37 pts and B. May 36 pts. The ladies winner on a count back was D. Wall from runner up K. Turner. Pin Shots were received by T. Lynch 4/13, 8/17 G. Eviston, and 9/18 G. Sippel. The pro pin is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery. This week will be a 4 person Ambrose sponsored by A I S Insurance. Next week will be sponsored by Boonah Tyrepower playing a stableford competition.
No results handed in this week. This Sunday we have a Social Club of about 20 teeing off at 7. If wanting a game tee off before them or after they have all teed off.
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