Golf Notes 29/10/12 – 4/11/12


Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition.  The winner with 40 pts was P. Cooper, runner up N. Casey 38 pts on a count back from V. Wilson.  The rundown continued with D. Gittens 36 pts, E. Newlove, V. Riley & C. Greet with 35 pts followed by T. Lynch & R. Parnell 34 pts.  The ntps’ were received by V. Riley 4/13, 8/17 D. Gittens, the ladies 8/17 J. Edwards.  The Encouragement Award was received by B. Jones.  The Membership Draw Jackpotted.


Wednesday the ladies played a stableford competition for Lyn Johnsons Day.  The winner with 39 pts was Z. Eviston, runner up J. Baulch 37 pts.  Ntp’s were received by J. Baulch 4/13 & 8/17 Z. Eviston.

Wednesday Sporters

Wednesday was sponsored by Pro Steam (B. Hutchinson).  The winner was B. May with 42pts, runner up G. Searle 38 pts on a count back from J. Potter.  The run down continued with G Sippel 37 pts, M. Crowther, R. Maudsley, G. Parker and R. Brooks with 36 pts.  Nearest the pins were on all holes and were received by T. Lynch 1/10, 2/11 J. Browning, 3/12 G. Parker, 4/13 D. Webster, 5/14 M. Crowther, 6/15 B. May, 7/16 G. Parker, 8/17 Stuart Fahey while 9/18 was received by Simon Fahey.    Wednesday the sporters play a stableford 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 sponsored by PFS (Ron Scells).  Next Wednesday we play a 4BBB sponsored by P. Ward playing 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6.

 Friendly Fridays

We had 10 players on Friday playing a Stroke competition.  The winner was M. Crowther on a count back from runner up C. Greet. The  rundown went to A. Featherstone 36 net, followed by B. Jones and G. Henderson.  The ntp was received by R. Brooks.  Tee off time is now 3pm.  For a good afternoon, come along to Friendly Fridays.  All welcome $2 a game.


Saturday we played a stroke competition, this was the November Monthly Medal sponsored Bendigo Bank & the Golf Club. We now have the Proffesional of the Warwick Golf Club coming down every month, they will be down again on the Emergency Services Day next month if you are wanting anything.    The Overall winner was C. Ferguson with 61net.  The A Grade winner was B. Freiberg on a count back from runner up N. Toohey 69 net, followed by G. Balharry, A. Browning & F. Johnson with 72 net. B Grade winner P. Dadds and our Monthly Medal winner with 63 net, runner up P. Ward 70 net, followed by D. Forsyth & G. Benstead 71 net, and S. Bennet 72 net.  C. Grade winner S. O’Connell 63 net, runner up R. Brooks 68 net, followed by M. McGarrity 69 net, T. Weatherhead 70 net and B. Bennett 71 net.   The run down went V. Riley, J. Comp & R. Philp with 72 net. The ladies winner on a count back was D. Wall from runner up R. Featherstone, followed by K. Turner 75 net and J. Edwards and L. Johnson.  Pin Shots on all holes were received by M. Murray 1/10, 2/11 S. Bennett, 3/12 P. Manitta, 4/13 G. Balharry, the ladies J. Edwards, 5/14 J. Browning, 6/15 J. Bonk with an Eagle, 7/16 D. Mortimer, 8/17 A. Stick, the ladies K. Turner and 9/18 C. Ferguson.   The pro pin is sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery.   Thanks goes to everyone who helped in anyway the make the day the success it was.  Saturday will be sponsored by Raceview Sand & Gravel playing a stableford Monthly Mug.  The following week will be a 4 person Ambrose sponsored by A I S Insurance.  Timesheet is filling up fast.


Sunday we had the Moreton District Pennants so there wasn’t any Chookies, however this week you will have to tee off before 6.45 as we have a Social Club teeing off at 7.

Fore Par.