Golf Notes 1/10/2012-7/10/2012


Monday the Veterans played a stableford competition. The winner was R. Brooks with 42 pts, runner up K. Chivers 40 pts. The rundown went to D. Grittins 38 pts, A. Featherstone and R. Parnell 37 pts, V. Riley, G. Sorenson, G. Sippel, P. Sheffield and B. Hall all with 35 pts. Nearest the pins were received by V. Wilson 4/13, 8/17 D. Gittins and the ladies 8/17 K. Cook. The Encouragement Award was received by S. Rolley, while the members draw was won by Kris Cook.


The ladies winner last Wednesday was   L. Gurnett 73 net, runner up J. Baulch.  Both pin shots won by A. Brown.  S. Zimmer won the 9 hole competition.

Wednesday Sporters

Wednesday was sponsored a Stroke 1-9 + 10, 14 & 15 sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery. The winner with 45&1/3 was P. Manitta, runner up R. Scells with 46&1/3. The run down went to G. Parker 47 net, M. O’Reilly 47&1/3, D. Webster 47&2/3, B. May 48&1/3, R. Brooks 48&2/3, followed by R. Cuneo and E. Newlove 49 net. Nearest the pins were received by P. Manitta on 4, Simon Fahey received 8, while 9 was received by B. May. The best gross was received by G. Parker with 51. Wednesday will be sponsored by A. Featherstone playing a stableford 10-18 + 1, 5 & 6. Next Wednesday is Pub Day get your teams of 6 per pub, (maximum of 8 per team, best 6 to count) organized for a fun afternoon.

Friendly Fridays

We had 8 players on Friday playing a Stableford competition. The winner being was B. Jones with 21 pts, runner up T. Lynch on a count back with 17 pts. The ntp was received by V. Wilson. Tee off time is now 3pm. For a good afternoon, come along to Friendly Fridays. All welcome $2 a game.


Saturday we played the Monthly Medal sponsored by the G. & W Lutter. The winner with 61 net and the Medal winner for October was B. Hutchinson. Runner up M. Bennet 63 net, followed by G. Saunders 66 net, M. Gnech 67 net, G. Parker and J. Browning 68 net. The rundown went to J. Bonk & J. Handley 68 net, followed by Simon Fahey & J. Gillett (welcome back Jake) 69 net, G. Ball, G. Maynard, G. Lutter, B. Brown & V. Riley 70 net, A. Browning 71 net, and R. Cuneo, B. May, S. Mudde, D. Yeates, D. Mortimer and J. Buganey all with 72 net. The boys also had pins shots on all holes and were received by B. Hutchinson on 1/10, 2/11 J. Browning, 3/12 B. May, 4/13 M. Gnech, ladies 4/13 K. Cook, 5/14 G. Parker, 6/15 P. King, 7/16 T. Lynch with a Eagle, 8/17 and 9/18 G. Maynard also with a Eagle. The pro pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently held by G. Maynard with 2.24 metres. Saturday will be the Ambulance Open Day with prizes for all grades and pin shots on all holes. Come along and support the Boonah Ambulance.


Winner for this week is T. Cobbin 27 pts, next best Simon Fahey & B. Freiberg 20 pts, followed by C. Bell 19 pts. This week we have 2 Social Clubs, so the Chookies will have to tee off before 6.45 am.

Fore Par.