Monday Veterans
The Veterans played a Stableford Competition. The winner was J. Pearce on a count back from G. Sippel both had 35 pts. The rundown went to M Cufi & C. Shannon 34 pts, C. Greet & T. Lynch 33 pts and B. Jones & E. Newlove with 32 pts. The ntp’s were received by A. Brown on 4/13, A. Featherstone received 8/17, while A. Brown received the ladies on 8/17. The Encouragement Award went to V. Wilson.
Wednesday Sporters
Last Wednesday the Sporters played a stroke competition for John Allen Memorial Trophy (R. Scells) 1-9 +16-18. The winner was B. Hutchinson with 42 2/3, the runner up was A. Stick with 43 1/3. The Run Down went to M. Crowther 44 2/3 and G. Parker 46 1/3. The ntp’s were on all holes: 1 Mr No One, 2 G. Sippel, 3&4 G. Parker, 5 R. Cuneo, 6 & 7/16 G. Sippel, 8/17 M. McGarrity and 9/18 P. Ward. This week is L. Vandenbrink’s Trophy which is a trial Shot Gun Start at 1 pm at the latest and will be a Stableford competition 1-18. The following week will be John Gilletts Trophy playing a Stableford 10-18 + 7-9.
Friendly Fridays
Friday we had 13 players playing a stroke 10 – 18 competition. The winner was J. Pearce with 30 net, followed by C. Greet with 31 net, the rundown went to A. Henderson 32 net, T. Farmers and M. McGarrity with 33 net and V. Riley with 35 net. Tee Off is 3pm, looking forward to seeing you all then.
Last Saturday was sponsored by Ray Draper, this was a stableford event as well as being the Monthly Mug for January. The winner was Syb Mudde with 42 pts, the runner up on a count back was P. Treadingham with 41 pts. The run down started with D. Mortimer and D. Bolliger with 41 pts, P. King and V. Riley both had 39 pts, A. Bennett, A. Mitchell V. Dempsey, A. Smith and G. Philp all had 38 pts, T. Richardson and M. Simpson both 37 pts and L. Vandenbrink had 36 pts. The ladies winner was A. Brown with 39 pts, runner up C. Mitchell with 33 pts. The ntp’s were also sponsored by Ray with pins shots on all holes, 1/10 B. Gotke, 2/11 A. Mitchell, 3/12 P. Treadingham, 4/13 M. Whitney, while the ladies was received by K. Cook, 5/14 N. Dieckmann 6/15 B. Gotke, 7/16 A. Smith, 8/17 was received by M. Whitney, while A. Brown received the ladies, and 9/18 was received by M. O’Reilly. The Pro Pin sponsored by Sugarloaf Bakery is currently being held by A. Brown. The Monthly Mug winner is Syb Mudde. This week is sponsored by Brisbane Boys, playing a 4BBB Stableford Medley. Next week will be the Monthly Medal for February sponsored by Boonah Real Estate. Timesheets are our now.
The Chookies will be held over again till next week, and can tee off before 7am as we have a Social Club teeing off at 7.30.
Fore Par